• Report creators/dashboard developers/visualization analysts/power users, this group contains the widest range of skillsets, but their roles all boil down to one common trait – they produce (or will) most of your dashboards.
  • There’s a huge advantage to having these creators working on the same patterns, with the same high-quality education, and the same resources which will result in shared quality and expectations.
  • Training this group of users can seem a bit daunting with many courses applicable to advancing their skill set. We’ll help you break it down into manageable bites. Following the Creator path from brand new to power user will set you up for success.
  • The following training plans for each type of Creator are suggestions. InterWorks strongly encourages you to edit/adjust as you see fit based on the intentions of each group.

Types of Creators:

Brand new/Casual Desktop Users – new hires, members who have not yet used Tableau

Intermediate/Non-active Users – have take DI or self-taught, but are not using the tool, perhaps disengaged

Intermediate/Active Users – have taken DI or self-taught, actively building Tableau dashboards

Power Users – have taken at least DI and DII, advanced users, Tableau champions